What are the good pactices of the "15 minute city" implementations in Europe?

Alain L'Hostis

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1 answer
Susanne Wrighton on 9/18/24 at 10:00 AM

1. Paris, France: with Mayor Anne Hidalgo promoting the 15mC concept very powerfully, and driving forward ongoing urban planning as a frontrunner in Europe.

2. Barcelona, Spain: with it's world famous "Superblocks" a concept that is "copied" by many other European cities now and also aligns with the 15mC Philosophy.

3. Copenhagen, Denmark: features a truely world-class cycling infrastructure, probably the most advanced in the world that also aligns the urban planning closely with the 15mC principals.

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands: similarly to Copenhagen, Amsterdam is a model city with regard to sustainable urban planning policies and thus also supports the 15mC philosophy. Besides bikes they also concentrate on public transport and public parks.

5. Utrecht, Netherlands: agian, like in Copenhagen and Amsterdam, Utrecht heavily focusses on cycling and using this strategy to develop as a 15mC

6. Freiburg, Germany: well-known world-wide for the ground-breaking Vauban district, with its eco-friendly urban planning, embodies the 15mC priciples since decades

7. Vienna, Austria: the city has a great potential to implement the superblock concept and is starting to implement this. The city also invest heavily in cycling infrastructure, renaturation and has a world class public transport system.

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