SECUBIDI Project - Summary of deliverables concerning accidents on two-way roads outside built-up areas - Study of issues arising from the BAAC and analysis of the FLAM database

Identifiant CEREMA DOC CeremaDoc:596151
Auteur moral DUBOS, Nicolas
Direction Cerema Normandie-Centre
Langue anglais
Nombre de page 14 p.
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the methodology and results of the two deliverables of the accidents theme of the Sécubidi project, namely : - Accidents on two-way roads outside built-up areas 2013/2017 - Study of the issues, based on BAAC data - Fatal accidents on two-way roads outside built-up areas in 2015 - Analysis of the FLAM database. Based on the results observed, it also suggests a number of courses of action that decision-makers can take to hopefully reduce the accident rate on the two-way network outside built-up areas. Foreword for publications translated into foreign languages The purpose of translated documents and publications is to pass on to non-French speaking readers the French know-how set out in the original publication, whether this concerns knowledge, methodologies, tools or best pratices. Original publications in French are subject to a checking process, which leads to a Cerema commitment regarding their content. English versions do not undergo the same process, and consequently carry no Cerema commitment. In the event of differences between the English and the original French text, the French text serves at the reference.

  1. Sécurité routière
  2. Accidentologie
  3. Infrastructure routière