Formation : applications côtières du service Marin de Copernicus


The Copernicus Marine Service is organizing a training workshop dedicated to Coastal Monitoring.  An event that aims to engage the marine communities of all coastal areas, and share its ocean data products and knowledge.

After last edition's training dedicated to the South America, gathering around 500 participants, it is clear training sessions are much appreciated by Copernicus Marine Service users. 

Participate on the next Training Workshop dedicated to Coastal Monitoring! 
Jupyter Notebooks, R exercices and QGIS demos will be especially developed for all coastal regions.

A practical session (Day 2) will be dedicated to live demonstrations of the use of the data using:

  • the My Ocean Viewer Pro,
  • Jupyter Notebooks,
  • QGIS software,
  • R Studio.

Informations et inscriptions :

Present (1)
Alexis Foussard
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